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justalumni: the alumni solution

justalumni is one of the most flexible solutions available today for managing your alumni base via the world wide web.

If you are looking for a fully featured alumni web application that will easily integrate with your existing IT environment, then you need look no further.


Build an online community using the message board and photo gallery
Members can hold general discussions, announce reunions and reminisce about "the old days" using the message board. Similarly, the photo gallery allows members to post photos for other members to see, and comments can be posted about them on a per-picture basis. Photographs are automatically resized to a thumbnail to enable speedy browsing.

Look up old friends in the members' directory
All registered members have access to the online directory of members. The directory is easily searched meaning old friends can be tracked down in no time. Each member has an online profile that contains various pieces of contact information and notes about "the afterlife".

Advanced online administration
A secure online web interface is used by you to administer the database. Through this tool the members' database, the message board and the photo gallery can be maintained. News items are added to the database through this interface too. The most recent news is highlighted on the home page, the older items being archived.

Easy integration with your desktop applications
Using the administrator's interface a copy of the members' database can be exported and downloaded at any time. By importing the data into desktop applications like MS Access or Excel you can then perform advanced analysis of the data, print address labels and carry out mail merges and so on, all within the familiar environment of your own PC.

Combined, these features mean that your organisation can offer its alumni a flexible and secure environment to keep in touch with one and other. At the same time you have access to a wealth of information and statistics about them, all of which can provide an interesting insight into the activities of your long lost alumni.

Screen shots of the Wilson's School Alumni Directory implementation of justalumni

Screen shots of the justalumni software which is being used here to run the Wilson's School Alumni Directory. The Wilson's site was launched in January 2002.

"Congratulations on the excellent web-site."

Wilson's School



The system has been designed to hold tens of thousands of members, and even at numbers like these the performance of the database is excellent. With scalability an important design consideration from the outset, you will find that justalumni can meet your needs, no matter how large or small they may be.

Developed using popular open source software, you can relax in the knowledge that your alumni solution will be fast, reliable, and secure.

The software is compatible with most popular web serving platforms and database servers, so whatever your needs you will find justalumni readily adapts to meet them.

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